H.E. Minister Diamantino Azevedo Closes Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2022
The final day of the Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2022 Conference and Exhibition (https://bit.ly/3UyBCpP) has come to a close with final remarks delivered by H.E. Diamantino Azevedo (https://bit.ly/3ugOlRU), Angola’s Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas, who spoke on the success of the conference and the impact that promoting an inclusive, attractive, and innovative oil and gas industry in Angola will have on the region and the continent at large.
“During the third edition of this event we have showed that Angola (https://bit.ly/3sJGHPo) is on the right path and if the format continues, it will certainly bring positive results for our industry. If we continue to support this event, solutions will come out for the improvement of the oil industry of Angola, and we hope that it will also contribute to the overall improvement of our continent and our planet,” H.E. Minister Azevedo stated, adding that, “I believe that these three editions have given to our country a positive contribution in order to enrich the way we think about the industry and share experiences so that we can learn and improve our program for the enrichment of this sector.”
Having taken place under the auspices of H.E. Minister Azevedo, AOG 2022 (https://bit.ly/3UZLFUs) took place under the context of political stability in the southern African country, addressing the nation’s most pressing matters in its energy market as it strives to curb production decline, expand and promote exploration and new discoveries, and ensure the participation of its population in its central economic engine.
“I think this event created an opportunity for us to reflect on the present and the future of the hydrocarbon industry, as well as the role that it will play going forward,” H.E. Minister Azevedo continued, further stating that, “Here in Angola, we should once and for all be cognizant of the benefits of oil and gas. But on the other hand, we in the industry should be more responsible so that people will see these resources as a blessing and not as a curse. That means that we have to have stronger performance in the way of utilizing our resources for the benefit of our people, and for the benefit of the living conditions of our population so that they can feel the positive impact the industry might have on their lives.”
Regarding ensuring economic development and widespread energy wealth throughout Angola and the region, H.E. Minsiter Azevedo highlighted the role of Angola’s resources and industries within the context of the shifting global economy and divulged the Government’s efforts towards creating an enabling environment for businesses by ensuring that the Angolan energy sector is inclusive and designed to benefit all Angolans while adhering and contributing towards the global energy transition (https://bit.ly/3VBHRc0).
“We can contribute towards and improve the infrastructure in our country, and we can also be the principal actors of the so-called energy transition, which may be spearheaded by our hydrocarbon industry,” H.E. Minsiter Azevedo added, concluding that, “I would like, once again, to assure you that investing in our country will result in win-win relationships and I would like to invite you to come back to Angola.”
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Energy Capital & Power.